How They Met Themselves

Neil Gaiman, Michael Zulli
  • Standalone story, originally printed in Vertigo: Winters Edge #3
  • Audible Act III Chapter 13

Page 1#

How They Met Themselves

  • Panel 1

    The drawing is "How They Met Themselves" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti after which this short story is named.

  • Panel 2

    Annie Miller modelled for many Pre-Raphaelite artists.

Page 2-3#

  • A Double page Splash.

    Laudanum: A medicinal syrup containing about 10% opium by weight. Commonly used in Victorian times as a pain killer and a sleeping aid.

    Lizzie here, is Lizzie Siddal, an accomplished artist, model and poet in her own right.

Page 4#

  • Panel 1

    The man looking out of the window is Algernon Charles Swinburne an English Poet and Playwright.

  • Panel 2

    Sat next to Lizzie is Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Lizzie's husband, and renowned poet and illustrator, among many other talents.

  • Panel 3

    Lizzie had been sick for a long time - possibly tuberculosis, and also likely addiction to the Laudanum.

  • Panel 6

    And here we meet desire, which is made clear by the distinctive lettering, and the amber eyes.

Page 5#

  • Panel 1

    Even Rossetti finds Desire's eyes remarkable.

Page 6#

  • Panel 1

    "All the land hereabouts belongs to me"... - I believe this is the first we've heard of Desire owning land, unless this is no longer England they're in...

  • Panel 3

    Swinburne picks the name "Dolores" for Desire

  • Panel 4

    Rossetti certainly sees Desire as female too, but from our viewpoint (that of Lizzie remembering), Desire is clearly male.

  • Panel 6

    Swinburne was a known sadomasochist, which had a major influence on his work.

Page 7#

  • Panel 1

    The group have got separated. It's definitely clear they're not in a normal place any more.

  • Panel 2

    Time doesn't seem to work normally here, either.

  • Panel 3, 6-10

    Is Swinburne meeting Desire again, or just remembering them.

  • Panels 4, 5

    Lizzie and Rossetti seem to have met themselves.

  • Panel 10

    Back to the sadomasochism. The "he" here refers to Swinburne, rather than Desire.

Page 8#

  • Rossetti's true love was really himself.

Page 9#

  • Panel 1

    Rossetti found Lizzie overdosed, after returning from a talk, as described here.

  • Panel 2

    This is also true.


  • Greg "elmo" Morrow created the Sandman Annotations.
  • Originally collated and edited by Richard Munn.
Last modified by Richard Munn on 2023-09-13 - Minor edits
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